Thursday, March 2, 2017

Pregnancy essay

Ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate or injectable gonadotropin therapy has been linked to a 4-fold increase in the risk of ectopic pregnancy in a case-control study. Save Essay; View my Saved Essays; Saved Essays. She can take a home pregnancy test, take an in-office urine test, take a blood test, or undergo a medical.. Other risk factors associated with increased incidence of ectopic pregnancy include anatomic abnormalities of the uterus such as a T-shaped or bicornuate uterus, fibroids or other uterine tumors, previous abdominal surgery, failure with progestin-only contraception, and ruptured appendix. Ectopic pregnancies that previously would have resulted in tubal abortion or complete, spontaneous reabsorption and remained clinically undiagnosed are now detected. Cigarette smoking has been shown to be a risk factor for ectopic pregnancy development. Reflecting this, most ectopic pregnancies are located in the fallopian tube; the most common site is the ampullary portion of the tube, where over 80% of ectopic pregnancies occur. About pregnancy. Published: 23rd March, 2015 Last Edited: 23rd March, 2015. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by Data from the Contraceptive CHOICE Project demonstrated a relative risk of 3.16 for ectopic pregnancy in women not using any form of contraception as compared with women using the progesterone IUD. A small, randomized clinical trial also demonstrated the single-dose regimen to have a slightly higher failure rate. Women older than 40 years were found to have an adjusted odds ratio of 2.9 for ectopic pregnancy. Moreover, laparoscopy can miss up to 4% of early ectopic pregnancies. It's normal to have many questions about pregnancy. Planned Parenthood will help you get all the pregnancy information you need. In ectopic pregnancy (the term ectopic is derived from the Greek word ektopos, meaning out of place), the gestation grows and draws its blood supply from the site of abnormal implantation. Term paper. By 1992, the number of ectopic pregnancies had increased to 108,800. Nevertheless, if a woman ultimately conceives with an IUD in place, it is more likely to be an ectopic pregnancy.

Free expository essay sample on teen pregnancy: To understand which problems worry the first world countries the most of all today, it is usually enough to If the overall incidence of ectopic pregnancy remained stable in the 1990s, then the mortality rate dropped to 3.19 deaths per 10,000 ectopic pregnancies by 1999. Future fertility rates were no different with either surgical approach when the contralateral tube was either normal or scarred but patent. How could I write an essay about teen pregnancy? The main difficulty with writing an essay about teen pregnancy is avoiding generalizations and cliches. The increased incidence of ectopic pregnancy has been partially attributed to improved ability in making an earlier diagnosis. Teen pregnancy is something that affects over one million young teens in the United States. For some, these pregnancies are planned but 85% of these teens the Absence of an intrauterine pregnancy on a scan when the β-HCG level is above the discriminatory zone represents an ectopic pregnancy or a recent abortion. After 1 ectopic pregnancy, a patient incurs a 7- to 13-fold increase in the likelihood of another ectopic pregnancy. Cause and Effect of Teenage Pregnancy Essay Writing. Pregnancy is known to be one of the most special and exciting part of a woman's life. These 2 patients probably represent different degrees of tubal damage; thus, comparing the future reproductive outcomes of the 2 cases would be flawed. These statistics are based on data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which used hospitalizations for ectopic pregnancy to determine the total number of ectopic pregnancies. It is the leading cause of pregnancy-related mortality during the first trimester in the United States. Comeback. Leaving a scarred, charred fallopian tube behind after removing the ectopic pregnancy but requiring extensive cautery to control bleeding does not preserve reproductive outcome. A dose-response effect has also been suggested. In the absence of modern prenatal care, abdominal pregnancies can present at an advanced stage (>28 wk) and have the potential for catastrophic rupture and bleeding. In the first year, only about 6% of sterilization failures result in ectopic pregnancy.

Pregnancy essay

 Term Paper Social Issue: Teenage Pregnancy Ms. Gorgonia L. Siscar Professor I. Introduction Teenage pregnancy (defined as under-18 conceptions including. The modern pelvic surgeon has been led to believe that the treatment of choice for unruptured ectopic pregnancy is salpingostomy, sparing the affected fallopian tube and thereby improving future reproductive outcome. All contraceptive methods lead to an overall lower risk of pregnancy and therefore to an overall lower risk of ectopic pregnancy. The increase depends on the degree of damage and the extent of anatomic alteration. Teenage Pregnancy. Published: 23rd March, 2015 Last Edited: 23rd March, 2015. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written Ectopic pregnancy is the leading cause of maternal death in the first trimester, accounting for 9-13% of all pregnancy-related deaths. This essay discusses the challenges of treating women with severe psychiatric illness during pregnancy. One study of 77 patients desiring subsequent pregnancy showed intrauterine pregnancies in 64% of these patients and recurrent ectopic pregnancy in 11% of them. An ectopic pregnancy is the implantation of a fertilized ovum outside the endometrial lining of the uterus. Ectopic pregnancies are estimated to occur in 1.4% of all The Process of Pregnancy.. Pregnancy is an amazing journey and process. The female goes through several changes throughout nine months to develop her baby. Provide an information pamphlet to all patients receiving methotrexate; the pamphlet should include a list of adverse effects, a schedule of follow-up visits, and a method of contacting the physician or the hospital in case of emergency, as well as the need to return to the emergency department for concerning symptoms. In the 1980s and 1990s, medical therapy for ectopic pregnancy was implemented; it has now replaced surgical therapy in many cases. A review of hospital discharges in California found a rate of 15 cases per 1,000 in 1991, declining to a rate of 9.3 cases per 1,000 in 2000, [27] but a review of electronic medical records (inpatient and outpatient) from a large health maintenance organization (HMO) in northern California found a stable rate of 20.7 cases per 1,000 reported pregnancies from 1997-2000. Free Pregnancy papers, essays, and research papers. These results are sorted by most relevant first (ranked search). You may also sort these by color rating or Of these deaths, 93% occurred via hemorrhage. Patients with chlamydial infection have a range of clinical presentations, from asymptomatic cervicitis to salpingitis and florid PID. Changes in the management of ectopic pregnancy, however, have made it difficult to reliably monitor incidence (and therefore mortality rates). In a study of 3000 clinical pregnancies achieved through in vitro fertilization, the ectopic pregnancy rate was 4.5%, which is more than double the background incidence. Buy It Now & Get Free Bonus. Failure after bipolar tubal cautery is more likely to result in ectopic pregnancy than is occlusion using suture, rings, or clips. However, patients who are diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy before rupture have a low mortality rate and also have a chance at preserved fertility. 9/2/2012 · Essay About Pregnancy. I was dreaming of being a mother since I was 3 years old. Work Environment Essay; Essay About Pregnancy; Plagiarism Exercise Essay;

Why are We Only Allowed to Love or Despise Being Pregnant? who considers pregnancy to be the "worst experience of my life," I'm more interested in expressing Clausen reviewed literature from the previous 40 years and concluded that only a small number of investigators have suggested, indirectly, that conservative tubal surgery increases the rate of subsequent intrauterine pregnancy. The faulty implantation that occurs in ectopic pregnancy occurs because of a defect in the anatomy or normal function of either the fallopian tube (as can result from surgical or infectious scarring), the ovary (as can occur in women undergoing fertility treatments), or the uterus (as in cases of bicornuate uterus or cesarean delivery scar). He also concluded that the more recent studies may reflect an improvement in surgical technique. 1/27/2017 · How to Prevent Pregnancy. Knowing how to prevent pregnancy can seem daunting, especially since there are so many birth control options to choose from. There was a high prevalence of illicit drug use among the women who died in Florida. The most common cause of PID is an antecedent infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. Pregnancy can be stressful. Learn what causes stress during pregnancy, what types of stress are most problematic and how to reduce your stress while pregnant. This failure is attributed to fistula formation that allows sperm passage. What are the features of. A 2009 literature review found 56 reported cases of ectopic pregnancy (by definition), dating back to 1937, after hysterectomy.

A medical complication for women is having diabetes while pregnant. This article covers the causes, symptoms and treatment of diabetes during pregnancy. Unfortunately, only about 50% of patients present with all 3 symptoms. taken when doing so. Condoms should be distributed in schools because of the growing number of teenage pregnancy, to minimize the spread of sexually Writers! Salpingectomy by laparotomy carries a subsequent intrauterine pregnancy rate of 25-70%, compared with laparoscopic salpingectomy rates of 50-60%. See Workup for more detail. Ectopic pregnancy can lead to massive hemorrhage, infertility, or death (see the images below).

Of tubal pregnancies, the ampulla is the most common site of implantation (80%), followed by the isthmus (12%), fimbria (5%), cornua (2%), and interstitia (2-3%). To date, however, no study has supported a specific mechanism by which cigarette smoking affects the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy. Previous tubal surgery has been demonstrated to increase the risk of developing ectopic pregnancy. This category of the American Pregnancy Association website covers all things about preventing pregnancy. The increase in incidence of ectopic pregnancy in the 1970s in the United States was also mirrored in Africa, although data there tend to be hospital based rather than derived from nationwide surveys, with estimates in the range of 1.1-4.6%. An estimated 108,800 ectopic pregnancies in 1992 resulted in 58,200 hospitalizations, with an estimated cost of $1.1 billion. In a retrospective (2006-2014) cohort study of 8120 assisted reproduction technology cycles, Rombauts et al found that endometrial combined thickness (ECT) measured prior to embryo transfer was associated with ectopic pregnancy. Coursework! The 11 ectopic pregnancy deaths in Florida during 2009-2010 contrasted with the total number of deaths (14) identified in national statistics for 2007. Studies have demonstrated an elevated risk ranging from 1.6 to 3.5 times that of nonsmokers. Other studies have demonstrated similar results, with intrauterine pregnancy rates ranging from 20-80%. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated that up to 1% of pregnancies achieved through IVF or GIFT can result in a heterotopic gestation, compared with an incidence of 1 in 30,000 pregnancies for spontaneous conceptions.
Ectopic pregnancy caused 26% of maternal deaths in early pregnancy in the United Kingdom from 2003-2005, second only to venous thromboembolism, despite a relatively low mortality rate of 0.035 per 10,000 estimated ectopic pregnancies. The CDC reported a higher rate in Florida, 2.5 deaths per 100,000 live births during 2009-2010. A study by Xu et al found that in women undergoing 51,268 fresh in vitro fertilization-intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF-ICSI) cycles, previous ectopic pregnancy has no effect on IVF-ICSI outcomes. An empty uterus on endovaginal ultrasonographic images in patients with a serum β-HCG level greater than the discriminatory cut-off value is an ectopic pregnancy until proved otherwise. This number rose to 88,000 in 1989 [25] but fell to 30,000 in 1998. Benefits of! Learn about illnesses and conditions that can make a pregnancy risky such as cancer and gestational diabetes. Get the facts on specific conditions. Effective vaccination against Chlamydia trachomatis is under investigation. In an earlier study, Maymon et al, after reviewing 20 years of ectopic pregnancy treatment, concluded that conservative tubal surgery provided no greater risk of recurrent ectopic pregnancy than the more radical salpingectomy. Also consider the risks and complications secondary to anesthesia.

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