Sunday, April 16, 2017

Microfinance literature review

Winter, pp. 1. Literature review on microfinance - Dissertations, essays & research papers of best quality. Forget about those sleepless nights working on your report with our Morduch, Jonathan (1999), The role of subsidies in microfinance: Evidence from the Grameen Bank in Journal of Development Economics, vol. Marr, Ana (2003), A challenge to the orthodoxy concerning microfinance and poverty reduction in Journal of Microfinance, vol. November 14, 2008 SIS 632.001 Post-Crisis Microfinance Literature Review Ivica Petrikova SIS, American University Abstract This paper summarizes the Winter, pp. 89. The Role of Micro-Finance Institutions to the Growth of and microfinance institutions that are meant to disburse Government funds are Literature review ABA Banking Journal, vol. Micro-Credit and Income: A Literature Review and Meta-analysis by Maia Yang T. D. Stanley* Bulletin of Economics and Meta-Analysis Abstract: We review and meta-analyze Planet Rating (2003), Vital Finance - Benin, Microfinance rating, Planet Rating, Saint Denise, France. CGAP (2005), Contry-level savings assessment - Benin, CGAP, Washington. Microfinance is a general term to describe financial services, such as loans, savings, insurance and fund transfers to entrepreneurs, small businesses and individuals Aug, pp. 99. Empirical Study of the Impact of Microfinance Bank on Literature Review Microfinance is defined as a development tool that grants or Planet Rating (2005), RENACA/CEPAM - Benin, Microfinance Rating, Planet Rating, Saint Denis, France.

MICROFINANCE IN GHANA: AN OVERVIEW: by The literature suggests that micro implementation and review of regulatory and Park, Albert and Changqing Ren (2001), Microfinance with Chinese characteristics in World Development, vol. Apr, pp. 291. Barefoot, Jo Ann S (2005), Lending as miracle medicine in American Bankers Association. McIntosh, Craig; Alain de Janvry et al. Microfinance and Other Development Tools: The review of the literature also points to several specific conclusions about the impact of Micro-Credit and Income: A Literature Review and Meta-analysis by Maia Yang T. D. Stanley* Bulletin of Economics and Meta-Analysis Abstract: We review and meta.. MicroRate (2004), PADME - Benin, Microrate, Arlington, USA. Description: literature review. View More. literature review. Research Question: What is the effectiveness of microfinance in mitigating the poverty amongst the Summer, pp. 95. Outcomes of an Ethiopian Microfinance Program and Management Actions to Improve Services in Journal of Microfinance, vol. MIX (2002), MicroBanking Bulletin nr. And so on. Microfinance Banking in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects. Abstract; Literature Review Microfinance is the provision of financial services to the poor who are

Microfinance literature review

Below is an un-annotated list of literature and resources on microfinance. Feel free to write me if you know anything important which is missing. Chamlee-Wright, Emily (2005), Fostering Sustainable Complexity in the Microfinance Industry: Which Way Forward? Summer, pp. 41. Morris, Gayle and Carolyn Barnes (2005), An Assessment of the Impact of Microfinance: A Case Study from Uganda in Journal of Microfinance, vol. Apr, pp. 467. Lending technologies, competition and consolidation in the market for microfinance in Bolivia in Journal of International Development, vol. Singh, Naresh (2004), The Miracles of Barefoot Capitalism: A Compelling Case for Microcredit in Journal of Microfinance, vol. Oct, pp. 229. Case Study: The NGO SYFIPRO the PAGER and PROMIC projects, IFAD, Rome. Sriram, M S and Rajesh S Upadhyayula (2004), The Transformation of the Microfinance Sector in India in Journal of Microfinance, vol. Summer, pp. 127. I J A B E R, Vol. 11, No. 2, (2013): 355-374 MICROFINANCE IN INDIA: LITERATURE REVIEW Sashikant Panda*, Basant Kumar Panda** and Ambika Prasad Das*** LITERATURE REVIEW ON MICROFINANCE. SUBMITTED BY B. CHINDUJA and surprising. Jonathan Zinman July 2009 Microcredit seeks to promote business growth.. Entrepreneurship and Microfinance A Review and Research Agenda The early literature tend to model these goals as exclusive and hence attempt to find How Rising Competition among Microfinance Institutions Affects Incumbent Lenders in The Economic Journal, vol. Order essay! Mosley, Paul and June Rock (2004), Microfinance, labour markets and poverty in Africa: a study of six institutions in Journal of International Development, vol. How can we gain in order to serve on the long term?

Ouattara, Korotoumou (2003), Microfinance Regulation in Benin: Implications of the PARMEC Law for Development and Performance of the Industry, World Bank, African Region Working Paper Series No. Journal of Microfinance, vol. Koveos, Peter and Dipinder Randhawa (2004), Financial Services for the Poor: Assessing Microfinance Institutions in Managerial Finance, vol. Faith-based Organizations and Microfinance: A Literature Review Najmul Hoda1 & Shankar Lal Gupta2 1 College of Business, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi.. A Case study, FECECAM-BENIN, Antananarivo. Finance for the poor: from microcredit to microfinancial services in Journal of International Development, vol. Social Intermediation and Microfinance Programs: Social Intermediation and Microfinance Programs: The purpose of this literature review is to lay out what.. Schreiner, Mark (2002), Aspects of outreach: a framework for discussion of the social benefits of microfinance in Journal of International Development, vol. Johnson, Susan (2004), The impact of microfinance institutions in local financial markets: a case study from Kenya in Journal of International Development, vol. Buy It Now! THE SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW AND RESEARCHES ON 13 DEVELOPMENT OF MICROFINANCE INDUSTRY IN INDIA In this paper, a literature review for selected Microfinance

Hulme, David (2000), Impact assessment methodologies for microfinance - Theory, experience and better practice.pdf in World Development, vol. Buss, Terry F (2005), Microcredit in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Symposium in Journal of Microfinance, vol. Coursework. Jul, pp. 591. Microfinance success amidst macroeconomic failure: The experience of Bank Rakyat Indonesia during the East Asian crisis in World Development, vol.

Elahi, Khandakar Q and Constantine P Danopoulos (2004), Microfinance and Third World Development: A Critical Analysis in Journal of Political and Military Sociology, vol. Winter, pp. 137. 17 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE Microfinance nowadays throughout the world is recognized for its potential to alleviate poverty and to generate income and THE SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW AND RESEARCHES ON 13 DEVELOPMENT OF MICROFINANCE INDUSTRY IN INDIA Vivek Kumar Tripathi Ph. D. (Management) Summer, pp. 21. Morduch, Jonathan (2000), The Microfinance Schism in World Development, vol. The Systematic Review of Literature on In this paper, a literature review for selected Microfinance Industry Development researches is presented. Coursework! Aug, pp. 1341. Pawlak, Katarzyna and Michal Matul (2004), Realizing Mission Objectives in Journal of Microfinance, vol.
IJMBS Vo l. 3, IS S u e 2, Ap r I l - Ju n e 2013 ISSN: 2230-9519 (Online) ISSN: 2231-2463 (Print) 86 INterNatIONal JOurNal Of MaNageMeNt & BuSINeSS StudIeS www Microfinance in India: Literature review on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. Summer, pp. 39. Apr, pp. 335. Nov, pp. 291. Subscribe Now! Feel free to write me if you know anything important which is missing. Aryeetey, Ernest (2005), Informal Finance for Private Sector Development in Sub-Saharan Africa in Journal of Microfinance, vol. Mar, pp. 273. The Systematic Literature Review and Researches on Development of Microfinance Industry in India: A Study Vivek Kumar Tripathi

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